Channeling course and Introduction - Starting February 2014 open to Public !!
Welcome to the Channeling course that helps people to discover a new technique of spiritual communication. This will be a journey into the awareness of self, and also how connected to the vast cosmic knowledge that comes from many forms. Depending on what type of energy you prefer to work with will determine which aspect of channeling that is comfortable for you so please always refer to self when it comes to determining your comfort and your preference. It is, however important be aware of the possibility for multiple channeled sources which this course will assist.
Channeling has all different types of names so once again go with the term that works for you. Some use mediumship, Trance medium, Séance conduit, Spiritual Magician, Telepathy, and Psychic Medium are some of the terms used. Terms are just catch phrases of the time so please go with what you are comfortable with. For this course we will use ‘Channel / Channeling as our terms of communication with the various energies of the Universal spiritual planes of existence.
It is our aim that you are enlightened and given a range of techniques that you can adapt as you develop your abilities to channel. The intent is always to come from a place of highest good and potential. These are lessons in building on your current approaches to spiritual communication so enjoy the journey.
Intuited by my own LightMaster:
Channeling is a frequency wave between two beings sharing information, energy, vibration, connecting on a level to bring forth change/information/inspiration.
Lesson One: What is channeling – defining the spiritual communication
How do we Channel
Who are we Channeling
How do we improve on this two way communication
Types of Channeling – auto writing, semi trance, full trance, psychic art
Lesson Two: Preparation of Self as a Spiritual Conduit for channeled messages
Identifying your own spiritual frequency and vibration and how to change dependant on type of connection.
Identifying your physical sensations when working within the Spiritual Connection
Meditation 101
Lesson Three: Preparation of the Environment – Within/without
Readying your sacred space – materially and spiritually (preparation and protection)
Readying your Self – opening/closing the communication
Calling on your Soul Team
Reaching out for Spiritual communication – ways to connect
Practical – akashic connection
Lesson Four: Types of energies you will communicate with and how they may feel
Passed loved ones
Interdimensional beings
Ascended Masters
Practical – connecting with a passed loved one
Lesson Five: Discussion with your Spiritual Communicators
Intention for Channeling
Questions to ask
Practical for autowriting an ascended master of your choice
Going with the flow – your own communication uniqueness
Practical for autowriting an Angel of your choice
Lesson Six: Channeling via Objects and Pictures; a unique experience
Messages from Pictures
Lesson Seven: Channeling in Group Sessions
Practical – online session with course facilitators
Lesson Eight: Determining your Channeling Direction
Identifying the types of energy you prefer
Awareness of the variations of Self with the different types of connection
Understanding of Symbols within Spiritual communication
Practical – connection with an interdimensional being
Lesson Nine: Troubleshooting your Channeling experience
Positive experiences for Channeling and enhancing this
Challenging experiences of channeling and empowering yourself.
Experiences to date and the importance of Journaling
Practical - Connecting with an energy of your choice and drawing
Lesson Ten: Identifying your channeling Strengths and Direction
Comparing your frequency with those who you channel and determining preference
Working with your Egomind and Heart centre
Where too now with your channeling talent.
From week 6 we will be holding 1 hour webinars to connect and discuss your development either individually or within groups.
We hope that you find this course exciting, enlightening, and enjoyable and the growth factor is going to take you outside of some comfort zone from time to time. You will be very surprised at your abilities as they grow with awareness, understanding, empowering you to participate and serve as a spiritual messenger for all variations of energies of your choice. Click on the link to be part of an amazing experience and check out other courses that I provide
Phoenix Paton and Sharon Hume ©