​Phoenix Spiritual Connection
Testimonials from Past connections
Here are a few testimonials from my previous connections to wonderful people of GAIA. I always endeavor to provide an honest and forthright reading that can cause amazing growth and insight from what they have told me. I watch people grow and develop exponentially and it is a comfort that perhaps some of the Spirit messages given have aided in this individual process.

"wow thank you so much I am printing this off to read more in depth but I could feel the emotion as I read this quickly, so it resonates very much as I could feel tears welling not unhappy ones joyful ones. You have an amazing gift and that was a very beautiful and loving reading you did for me. "
C*** (anon)
Wow wow wow amazing Phoenix thank you so so much. Everything resonated with me.
Thank you very much, you guide me and help me so much. Much love to you always <3

M****** (anon)
Thank you for that amazing reading. I feel blessed receiving this reading. It shows I'm on the correct path. Bless you. I felt so much love come through this reading. It was amazing to feel.
If I hadn't found you and your wisdom.. Up lifting... Strength sharing ... Enlightening ... Empowering ... And Validation of self worth......... this journey I'm on would be overwhelming . Saying thank you Phoenix doesn't seem like enough to express my gratitude...... you are priceless.
Lisa C.J
Hi Phoenix, I just wanted to say that the one card reading you did for me was so spot on. Thank you so much. It was a while a go now but I kept meaning to tell you, life's kind of taken off for me. xxoo

Just felt the need to write to you to let you know that you had done a reading for me maybe a month and a half ago, you drew an ace of fire for me and were very encouraging about opportunities that might present themselves and how I shld tke it up.​
Well, to update you I did receive a job offer, took it up and quite like it. I enjoy it. Its convenient and my seniors love my work.​
Thank you so much for the guidance at the most opportune time. It helped me take this job

Thank you so much. Your are right on target as usual. And yes it is definitely a cross roads time. I am so appreciative of all you do to let me know my course. I do get confused at times. I am trying hard to reclaim where I should have been for years. You are all making that transition so much easier. Thank you

Feedback from the Program 2015
You have been a tremendous help to me Phoenix. You have such a gift, truly. THe way you mentor, with compassion yet so much integrity and honesty and dedication. You NEVER make anyone feel less than and you let everyone be on their own journey without any judgment. You create a safe place for people to learn and grow. That is PRICELESS.
Nix. I have thoroughly enjoyed the program so far. Every activity is looked forward to with much enthusiasm as you never know where it's going to lead! I have learned a lot about myself so far and it's increased the amount of gratitude I have for me, because I can see how far I have come and when something just goes 'bing' in your head when you answer some of the questions, it has really enhanced my connection and helped me to increase my level of trust. Thank you so much. Much love. Xo
I love the program, I have learned a great deal about who I am, the questions really make you think and dig deep. I look forward to each and every question. This is an amazing program and I am happy to be part of this.
I am learning so much about myself and my life. This program is something that I think I have been looking for, for a long time now. It is challenging me to dig deep inside and bring out my real feelings and thoughts, and sometimes what I find even surprises me. Am so looking forward to what is to come.
I've looked forward to every post/activity! Goodness some have been very hard to answer but on a constructive level not negative. The activities have helped in self healing as well as fantastic reflection of myself looking at the positive side without being or coming across as egotistical. I've also made some beautiful friends along the way, thank you
I'm enjoying this program very much as I look forward to the challenges, even while away from home. I've gained so much trust for myself & look forward to each challenge with excitement. I've grown so much since before this program, that I've come to realize I truly needed a course to get me out there, have confidence in myself. I've thoroughly enjoyed the other members of the group & can honestly say had it not been for this program Phoenix I would still be sitting in the background quietly. Thank you for such a great teaching tool, each assignment, which some were hard but worth every second. I've now the confidence to spread my wings, found my voice . Thank you
I think the best thing about this program is it challenges me to examine how I view and experience things. While I haven't found my opinion to have drastically changed, I do find that I am learning more and getting additional guidance from the divine. I look forward to the exercises to see what is unlocked next.
I'm loving the program. I absolutely love the non-judgemental side and the assistance given by the group members and you dear Phoenix. The challenge is all the strange dreams I'm getting each night. I guess I'm working through a lot of stuff.