​Phoenix Spiritual Connection
FAQ to Source/Heaven/Universal Consciousness
I LOVE connecting with All that is / Source / Heaven / Universal Consciousness - the feeling is absolute amazing and I can also get answers to some of my own universal questions. I always work with amazing beings of Light for the greater good of humanity - Angels/Guides/LightMasters.

Do you have a question for the Universe?

It can be anything - even the deeper questions - life after death / reason for our existence/ what is humanity truly doing / is there hope for us ?

I do not mind the type of universal question at all - so please feel free to pose it - no matter how silly you may feel the question is for.​I hope some people take advantage of this... and please discern what 'they' tell you - always go with what resonates with you ♥
Namaste dear ones - much love - much honor - much respect
Sharon's Question There are a lot of us just starting to feel the energies coming in and they are coming in fast, I am feeling that we are being guided to others/groups for advice or to get messages out, is this correct are we doing what is intended
There are those who need to assimilate as much information as they need as they move into the conscious awareness of all that is.

There are those that feel the can only find that within books, groups, other like minded people
This is a wonderful start for those beginning to make them feel part of the cosmic whole of how things truly are rather than feeling so individual, isolated , alone in their thoughts

This is a natural humanistic response so please if you are feeling this way - honor both your spiritual and human side as the two merge together with more awareness of both requirements.

Remember listen to your heart for that will provide you the answers needed - soothe your Ego as it tries to protect and times because of this - confuse.
You will get to a point of your assimilation of information where you start to understand that many of the answers to your own queries are easily found within as you learn to connect with Source/Heaven/Universal consciousnesses - this occurs within time as you learn to trust your own connection with All that is
Catherine's Question Here's an 'interesting' one.....how do we transcend the illusions of physicality (time, space, etc.)??

The physical mind of a human is always trying to make things logical and to fit into a box that makes sense - without going too much in the pitfalls of this approach - this in term can limit just how far humanity can fully comprehend until they release the veil of your own self imposed illusion that you have created for your life.
Reality is a very interesting term because it makes one feel as though what they are experiencing is Real - hence the word REALity but what is real to you is not always real to others and trying to determine the truth between those layers of what is Real can be problematical.

Everything is possible, everything and anything can occur at once time - you mention time , time is not linear , time is fluid and transcending - what happened in your past / present/future is all occurring NOW - just you are choosing which aspect of your existence you are wishing to 'view'

Instead of using the world REALity - you should be calling it VIEWality because that is what your current state is experiencing - what it is seeing both with your physical eyes and your spiritual awareness. Your brain attempts to make sense of it and once again has that bad habit of putting things in to boxes of understanding so that your human mind can processes.

What you need to do is either take things out of their boxes and see them for how they really are - and what you will soon see is just yourself - only you because as we mentioned before -you create your own Reality - view-ality

This is how we all exist - and the only way you can 'transcend' what you are viewing is awareness of the fact. If you can picture yourself as two beings - one experiencing , one viewing then the one who is experiencing will see the truth as the one viewing moves through their illusions as they progress in life. If you can physically step to the side of what is occurring in life - you can ask yourself - is this the truth of how it is. What is really going on here. That is that word again REAL.

As you ascend and increase awareness as your physical and spiritual vibration increases then it becomes easier to see the multi layers of existence. To truly be aware of Everything would be extremely chaotic in our current human state - only those who are higher evolved are able to make sense of that which is All Apparent.
but what you can do , right here , right now - is be consciously aware and know that you are the architect of your REALity for YOU - however if you wish to View more you would need to consciously move past what you are viewing and experience the event from all angles
Nehal's Question How do you let go of Fear completely, once and for all? How do you forgive the people that you need to, including yourself? How do you release people from your life that you need to but are impossible to release just then (eg, family members you live with)? How do you accept difficult people and situations?

How do you let go of Fear completely, once and for all?

By embracing it truthfully and honestly - however people generally tend to run away from that which they do not want to face. The way to approach things that you fear is by either hitting it head on or doing it gently and in baby steps dependent on how deep seated the fear is.

there is a personal question you need to ask yourself. Is your fear greater than your need for change. If it is not then you will need to work on building up the excitement joy and love for yourself to want things to be better for yourself. Believe that you are worthy of great things.
There are those that hold on to fear as a protective shield when in actual fact it is blocking them from becoming MORE than. Even people fear that. So Fear is a multi layers emotion which you do have to work through each layers to ensure that feeling the fear does not control your ability to respond in the way that your heart desires.
So choose a thing that you fear - and analyse it logically, spiritually and emotionally - feel the full range of human responses so that you can really see the fear for what it truly is. And you will find that there will be a very simple but deep seated reason as to why you are fearing/responding the way you are. If you can see fear as a form of response then you will find that you can choose how you really wish to respond.

Once again you need to work through feelings of worthiness, what makes you feel safe even if it is an illusion, and build up approaches in how to deal with a situation that you normally are fear filled of.
So yes some work to do there if you really want to make the change and let go of what you fear

How do you forgive the people that you need to, including yourself?

When you live in the NOW - and embrace what it is you truly want - you will soon be able to work through what it is that you need to forgive. Forgiveness, if you pardon this analogy - is very similar to a computer program - zero's and ones - yes / no - you either choose to forgive, or you don't . Now look at what happens to you and the people involved if you do not forgive - do you feel good about it - is it leading to bigger and better things for you - do you get all warm and fuzzy inside. Truth be known, no you wont - you will continue to feel resentful, less trusting, unloving either for yourself or for the others involved.

So it really is quite a simple process - Forgive - oh you don't have to forget - because this was a learning process for you - as is everything that occurs to you. Learn from it - forgive and let go because this is not what is making feel your greatest joy within and without.

If need be visualise what you need to forgive as an object - and either toss it out to sea - or burn it in a blazing fire and release with love and through that you allow a space in your heart to be filled with Love, increased faith, and really truly see the event that you need to forgive as a learning experience.

How do you release people from your life that you need to but are impossible to release just then (eg, family members you live with)?

What you can release yourself from is the natural response to these people. We are humans experiencing life so we have to be around energies and situations that are not always feeling true to where we wish to be feeling/doing. Having faith in the Universe to provide a situation better can be challenging especially if you are reliant on others at this moment in time.

There will be a lesson at a soul level that will surrounding the environment that you have with those close to you. It would be nice if we could determine what that lesson was but now - what you can do is really determine what it is you wish to allow to effect and how you wish to respond to this.

If you can once again visualise that you are in the eye of a storm and just watch with some detachment - then you will find that the strong emotions that flow through you will not be in reaction to what is going on . You can see that are removed from their energy - their ways because that is their reality. Sure they are part of yours because of the key part they play, but if aspects do not resonate with you then if you can breathe, release, love and not be a part of it.

Remember you do create your own REALity that involves your choice in how you see/think/feel/respond. Work from a place of positive love and you will see that things that are directed at you from these people are because they too have their own life soul lessons to learn you are just part of their tools to do so, just as they are part of yours.

Do not buy into other peoples reality - you do not have to - once again it is down to choice. Oh you may have to live in the same space as them but they do not need to be in your own spiritual space. We have our physical space that we share with others, and we have our spiritual space that we can create for ourselves. Meditate and go within - visualise a protective shield around you or a loving shield or whatever you wish to visualise - you may already have done something similar to this. When the physical world is overwhelming , go back into your spiritual world where your Truth lays. In this space that no one can enter unless you allow - you have full control and this can assist you in detaching from the emotion, the energies that you would prefer not to be a part of.

As a spiritual being having a human experience, merging the two parts of you can be challenging however it is entirely possible, believe, chose and do what is needed for you highest good.