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Personal Lesson of Phoenix: A lesson I have learned:

When it comes to spiritual growth , the challenges and pressures of life has a tendency to pull our time and energy away from it but you know something...... when the tough gets going - it is time to call on our spiritual tools to see us through it.

Things like:

  • Positive thinking attracting positive manifestation

  • Power of meditation helps revitalise and replenish lost energies

  • Quiet time either within contemplation or going out into nature allows us to face anything life has to throw at us.

  • Ritual energy/magick work brings back to us things that help us ground and centre

  • Knowledge that we have many Spirits and Angels around us, especially at times of need especially when feeling very alone

  • Allowing yourself to feel Joy, Happiness and Bliss without guilt because we know this attracts more into our lives.

  • Awareness that negative emotions such as Fear , Anger , Worry, Hate should be let go because it no longer serves us and not to put our energy into anymore.

  • Working from the heartsong brings forward your desires , instead of working within your head and ego - yes acknowledge the thoughts but if they do not empower you - then release the egos thoughts and words , and go with your heart - ALWAYS.

  • True Belief in the Power of creation - something everyone has the ability to do as long as you ... ASK.... BELIEVE .... RECEIVE

Remembering that the most important thing in your life - the answer is I AM

These are a few tools that we need to hold close to us - especially when life can get all encompassing. Be comforted in the fact that you can face anything with empowerment as long as you keep many of the above spiritual and life 'tools' close to your heart.

During times of duress , stress , and feelings of being overwhelmed - instead of thinking that you do not have the time to do the above tools - think again - because it is going to make everything easier to cope with , allowing you hope and the KNOWING - that everything will be alright !

it is a lesson that many have to learn , some never do - I just thought I would share with you in the hope that it is a lesson that will not come to you as such a surprise when you go " ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I seeeee now :) " hehehe.

Keep yourself complete , both Physically , emotionally , mentally - and most definitely spiritually.

With love always



Phoenix Paton

© 2015 by Phoenix. All rights reserved. Art owned by original artist not Phoenix. Music by Cristopher Lloyd Clark 'Ascension'

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