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Tests of Faith - are they required?

I felt like i was progressing quite well, spiritually, then quite a few dramas occurred and i now feel very 'detached' and to be honest i am really struggling to hold my faith. This seems to be a pattern of progressing then something happens and i feel i lose my way again. I am quite angry with 'spirit' at the moment as it is my daughter who is suffering. Are these necessary as a 'test of faith' or just things that arise for us to deal with and release ??? Many thanks and love Choice is all it comes down too, way child of Light. Humans forget that we are living our own created life, our own wellbeing and we choose what we wish to do within it. You are the one that needs to determine the answers to your questions from within. Spirit has not left you , will never leave, is always around you, but your ability to feel, sense and know that they are there have been veiled because there is something that you need to face within to ensure that you can see your way clearly. There are some hurdles, so to speak, that is needing to jump, walls that are needing to be removed, and past that is needing to be faced and released with finality before you can walk with your team in Truth to go forward in what you are meant to do, your soul purpose.

What is occuring around you, your as you call it , 'test of faith' is perhaps your own self imposed tests. If you feel that you can only ascend , or grow, move forward or learn , is through suffering , inherently deep down, you need to change that way of thinking into embracing the fact that we need not learn or be bigger or better through suffering. This is an old way of thinking for humans , and it is time to move forward into that which you prefer to be in. Do not get me wrong , if you prefer to suffer because that is how you learn , then by all means , stay in that reality , but if you do not wish it - then do not do it. As simple as that may appear, it really is that simple

Enlightenment , spiritual growth are there to ensure that you come into your own because you WANT too, you choose too. Because if you do not , you wont. It sounds very binary , zeros and ones , but that is how simple existence is. Your existence is based around a series of yes and nos , lights and darks , days and nights. You can choose if you want to be in the Light , or Shadow.

As for your daughter , she is creating her own reality and is needing to learn things in her way, it may appear destructive and very sad as a parent to watch , as difficult as it may be, the way out is simple if you truly believe that it can be another way. Train your mind to look into the problem without experiencing the emotion behind it. Humans are extremely emotional driven beings, and although that can be wonderful , as long as you ensure that you allow Joy into your life because you know you deserve it, rather than succomb to the depression and sadness that is happening around you. Choose which space you wish to be in. It takes quite some time to determine what it is but watch for the synchronicities that will guide you.

it is time to get more Light into your heart and relearn that they are around you so they want you to start noticing all that is happening around you during this time. Put it out to your team and see what they can show you to let you know. Dream state is a wonderful way to connect to people that surround you , as well as Life can show you messages if we start looking for them. Start to look for them Anne, and feel the JOY when you notice them. Let the world know , acknowledge , feel , feel, be happy

We hope this helps you at this time way of the light. It is there right in front of you. Channeled being Josiah with Phoenix Paton


Phoenix Paton

© 2015 by Phoenix. All rights reserved. Art owned by original artist not Phoenix. Music by Cristopher Lloyd Clark 'Ascension'

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