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Spiritual Connection - how do you start ?

To be able to connect to the amazing energies that lays within Source, Otherworld’s, Dimensions and Parallel Universe’ or if you want to connect to Spirit Earth walkers from deceased loved ones – there is a primary origin that you do need to connect with first and this is yourself. How do you expect to connect with All that Is if you are not able to connect with your Primary Source of Self that lays within – Higher self – and OverSoul? Now you do not have to go deep and glean amazing inspirational messages from your Higher self or your Soul that lays in Source (unless you choose too of course) but you do have to listen to everything that your Self provides – in thought, feeling, knowing, physical response. If you are not honoring the physical aspect of your spiritual being that is within you then the clarity of information that you are given may be misinterpreted or judged.

So it is very important to become very Aware of Self so that you can really relay the messages you receive with integrity honor and ultimately Love. To do this is to keep all information relaying through your Heart Source where Truth, Divine Knowledge and wisdom resides. We all know how our Ego thoughts/mind tries to protect us and provide input based on social conditioning and that should be honoured also but placed through the Heart filter – if that makes sense.

Spend the next twenty four hours really consciously looking/hearing/feeling/intuiting aspects of your daily life and if you can journal what you experience. You will be amazed at the messages that you receive in your day. Excerpt from the Channeling Course - Lesson Three "Preparation of environment - within/without" by Phoenix Paton and Sharon Hume ©


Phoenix Paton

© 2015 by Phoenix. All rights reserved. Art owned by original artist not Phoenix. Music by Cristopher Lloyd Clark 'Ascension'

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